There is a large number of filter jugs on the market competing with each other in design, price or „the most perfect timer“ to warn you of the need to replace the filter.


But why do you actually buy a filter jug?

Because you care what kind of water you drink. You do not want to drink not only chlorine and mechanical impurities, but also heavy metals, bacteria, microorganisms, viruses, drug residues or other impurities. While most jugs focus only on the so-called sensory properties of water, Quell actually removes more impurities from the water than any other filter jug.

The heart of the Quell jug is theDisruptor™ cartridge. It is a unique filtration technology that not only reduces chlorine, removes odors from water and improves its taste but also removes pathogens and other contaminants from water such as bacteria, viruses, microorganisms, cysts, parasites, endotoxins, drugresidues, heavymetals (lead, iron, copper).

That’s why you can take the Quell filter jug with you, for example, on holiday abroad and prepare safe drinking water for yourself and your family wherever you are.


It is not jug like jug

A significant difference compared to carbon filters (used in most common jugs) is the filtration efficiency. If it is important to you to what extent your jug removes impurities from the water, look at the differences in the efficiency of the filter jugs in this laboratory test or in this detailed table:



Quell filter jugs do not remove minerals from the water. Therefore, if your goal is softer water (to prevent the formation of limescale), consider using reverse osmosis.


Filter cartridge life

Due to the increased capacity of the filter medium, the recommended filter cartridge replacement interval is up to 3 MONTHS. This represents the cost of quality water filtration LESS THAN 5 € per month!


If you want to drink tasty water really free of unwanted impurities, Quell will definitely be the best choice for you.

Препоръчителна цена на дребно: 39,90 €

Properties of the Quell Eiva filter jug

  • Volume 1.6 L
  • The size suitable also for the refrigerator
  • Long filter cartridgelife, up to 3 months